Q: Is there a contract to sign?
A: There are no contracts to sign, you can stop at any time.
Q: What if I am not home when the milk is delivery?
A: The milkman will provide you with an insulated porch box to ensure your products stay fresh or we can delivery to your kitchen or garage refrigerator.
Q: How will my Milkman know what to delivery to my home each delivery?
A: Most of our customers have a regular standing order that is brought to them each delivery.
If you need to change/add to your order, you can either call your milkman or leave him a note on your porch or at your refrigerator (Order form).
Q: How often I can get delivered and what day my delivery day be?
A: Delivery is once a week. The day of your delivery depends on where you live. When you sign up for service, we will tell you which day your delivery services will be.
Q: What happens when I go on vacation?
A: If you don't wish to receive your regular delivery, just let us know we can skip that delivery